"Mental Bandwidth" is the secret to better understanding
how and why people do the things they do, every day.
Using a bandwidth lens can transform how we understand the human experience, and guide us to more effective strategies for innovation, creativity, and meaningful living.
- Dr. Tina D. Bhargava
how and why people do the things they do, every day.
Using a bandwidth lens can transform how we understand the human experience, and guide us to more effective strategies for innovation, creativity, and meaningful living.
- Dr. Tina D. Bhargava
The Coronavirus Pandemic Is Taking A Toll On Our "Mental Bandwidth"
Dr. Bhargava had the opportunity to talk about mental bandwidth in the pandemic this morning on WCPN's Sound of Ideas this morning! The mental bandwidth piece starts about 12 minutes into the recording. |

Brief radio piece from Dr. Bhargava on the limitations of relying on "individual responsibility" in the pandemic
(aired Fri, Nov 13th, 2020)
As Ohio continues to report record-breaking rates of COVID-19 cases, Kent State public health professor Tina Bhargava says Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine and other state and local leaders need to consider closing some businesses to stem the surge in cases.
(aired Fri, Nov 13th, 2020)
As Ohio continues to report record-breaking rates of COVID-19 cases, Kent State public health professor Tina Bhargava says Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine and other state and local leaders need to consider closing some businesses to stem the surge in cases.
"Mentoring Our Students (and Ourselves) in a Global Crisis - A Mental Bandwidth Perspective"
Thursday, Sep 10, 2020 4-5:00pm Register online using link below.
Thursday, Sep 10, 2020 4-5:00pm Register online using link below.
Register for the event here: https://kent.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9WYgD8JA2IwWbYh
Dr. Bhargava's interview with Cleveland's public radio/media (90.3 FM) about mental bandwidth and what is needed in addition to Ohio's mask mandate (aired Thursday, July 23rd)
Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine’s statewide mask mandate begins at 6 p.m. Thursday, July 23, but one local public health expert said it does not go far enough to keep people safe. |
Bandwidth in the Cleveland Plain Dealer! (Sunday, July 19th)
"We Need to Re-Close. Our Brains Can't Handle Re-Opening." - Tina D. Bhargava Research shows that, with limited bandwidth, we are less likely to make well-reasoned, responsible decisions, and more likely to default to automatic or impulsive choices, regardless of consequences. Given this, basing the success of Ohio’s reopening plans on the expectation that people will make sensible choices in a pandemic is a recipe for disaster. (Plain Dealer, E2) |
Check out my new blog posts!
Calling It "Pandemic Fatigue" Misses the Mark
The term “pandemic fatigue” implies that a little rest or extra effort can move us past the phenomenon. But the concept of “pandemic fatigue” does not capture an incredibly important aspect of our experience--bandwidth exhaustion. How Many Thinks Does it Take to Get to the End of a Pandemic?
The world may never know… but “mental bandwidth” is the key to beginning to understand. "There is an enormous amount of “not knowing” during this pandemic. As many experts (and memes) have informed us, we don’t make the timeline, the virus makes the timeline. We don’t know when things are going to get back to “normal,” or even if they ever will. That drives our brains crazy and we waste a big portion of our extremely limited bandwidth trying to force things to be certain." Also find it on Medium.com! |
New content on strategies for Bandwidth Freedom

The more you learn about bandwidth, the more you will realize that what is really needed is societal change--individual efforts will not be enough to transform our lives.
However, there are some solid, evidence-based ways that you can practice bandwidth self-care, invest your bandwidth more wisely, and refresh your bandwidth when exhausted. Some ideas below can start you off, but is difficult to make broad recommendations for individual action, when individuals are so different and have such varied circumstances. Please reach out for further guidance!
However, there are some solid, evidence-based ways that you can practice bandwidth self-care, invest your bandwidth more wisely, and refresh your bandwidth when exhausted. Some ideas below can start you off, but is difficult to make broad recommendations for individual action, when individuals are so different and have such varied circumstances. Please reach out for further guidance!
Expanding our Understanding...
"Mental Bandwidth" is referring, generally, to the amount of brain resources (cognitive capacity) within our control at a particular moment.
Bandwidth is everywhere and everything. Check out the Bandwidth Blog for unique perspectives on well-being, education, and the world.
Why bandwidth? Why now?
Dr. Tina D Bhargava has been studying the impact of bandwidth on people's choices since 2009. Find out more... |